Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Blog

Hey everyone,

I am going to create a new blog (but still update this one).
As I keep wanting to be an author, I am going to create a blog where every week I learn a word from the English dictionary and post it. I may say synonmys for it and tell you some troubles I may have throughout learning each word.

Wish me luck with learning the dictionary!


Monday, September 7, 2009

My Possile FUTURE c@r33r!

okay, so this post is going to just be me talking (well, wrting) about my possible future career and stuff like that.

Firstly, I am making it official that I want to become an author!!!
If I do end up as an author, I will aim to write fiction novels aimed at a teen audience.
I love to create amazing stories than writing them into books.

To start out my career as an author, I have entered a short story competition: Write a story less than 200 hundred words and the winner has their story made into a picture book. (its a competition for kids) I hope to win!!! I will update about that if I do.

I also almost always go onto two of my favourite websites: + These two sites are were thriving authors such as me write their own stories, post them then get feedback. It is also a good way for me to get an opinion on my writing from other people and see how my progress is going.

I have planned two fantastic plotlines for two possible fantastic books! So maybe, who knows, I may end up writing them and publishing them!

I also love to act and fool around as the such. Drama is my favourite subject at school and I love to learn all the skills used in acting. At any stage, I would absoloutely accept a road towards a great acting career. Though, I know this can turn out to become a very hard life (with the plublicity and all...).

I wouldn't mind to become a singer, but this can also turn into a very hard and rough life. The thing is, I don't have all the talent needed for this... :(

There is also a long list of other career paths I may choose (such as teacher, photographer, scientist etc.), but for the moment, I think I will just stick with becoming an author.

Wish me luck !!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Me, myself and I

The words me, myself and I.
You don't think about them too much, but imagine how much you think of the meaning and say these things.
My dad once asked me to try and have a conversation with a friend for 1 hour without using the words me, myself and I.
How hard is that?!
I mean, you try it!!!
But the reason he said that is that it is a great way to socialise and learn more about other people besides yourself - this goes to all you show offs out there!!!
It came up in a conversation over talking about me being a comfertable talker with adults and stuff like that.

Anyways, this post is basically a summary of me, myself and I. Also known as Stephanie =D

I am 12 and live in the best country, Australia!!!
I go to a GREAT school and am very smart for my age.

So, let's not go too much into detail and focus on what I want in life.
-of course, a loving and caring family
-a fantastic career (focus more on that later)
-knowing that the world will be safe from things such as global warming for at least a couple of thousand years
-being happy!!
-and more...

so, my possible career!

Firstly, I really want to be an author!
I go on, and always practice writing stories. I read all the time and would love to have my own top selling book. If I become an author (which I plan to), I will most likely write fiction novels.
I would also enjoy becoming an environmental biologist along side being an author. Or any scientist really.

I would definitely become a singer or actor (as long as I have heaps of talent by then!) and I would just love it!!!

So yeah, me.
Well, for now it's me.

The Beginning

Firstly, introductions.
I am Stephanie.
You may think I am an ordinary girl, but I have dreams!
This blog will be about me and my adventures towards success...
also a bit of gossip here and there.
Of course, I am still learning and in school, grade 7 to be precise.
Over the past year or so, I have been thinking a lot about my future and thought to make a blog!
I have many goals that I am going to aim to achieve and possibly they will change as I grow.

Secondly, WELCOME.
So you know the who and why and all that stuff (mostly) about me.
As my blog expands, you will learn more about me and my life.
I will just say (to anyone who is actually reading this) welcome to my blog. It is just about me and people I come in contact with. What has happened to me. What is happening to me. And, what will happen to me in the future.
I will appreciate any (positive) comments and many followers!!!

Hope to see you all soon!!!
Steph xx